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ROI: Understanding Return on Investment in trading

ROI: This image showcases different currencies paper money.

What is ROI?

Return On Investment (ROI) is a financial metric used to measure the profitability of an investment in relation to the amount invested. It is expressed as a percentage and indicates the efficiency of an asset.

It is an essential indicator for investors and businesses as it helps to evaluate the effectiveness of investments and make informed decisions. ROI provides a simple and clear way to measure the success of a project, campaign, or asset, and helps to determine whether it was worth the effort and resources invested.

It also helps traders to assess and compare the performance of different opportunities, identify areas for improvement, and optimize their strategies. By calculating it, investors can determine which assets are most profitable and adjust their portfolios accordingly before starting trading.

As such, understanding and calculating ROI is an essential skill for any investor or business owner.

How to calculate ROI

Calculating ROI is a straightforward process that involves determining the gain or loss generated relative to the amount invested.

Current Ratio (8)

The first step is to determine the net profit or loss generated. This can be done by subtracting the costs from the total revenue or income generated. Once it is determined, it can be divided by the cost of the investment itself, and the result can be multiplied by 100% to get the percentage value.

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An example

Let's consider a real-life example. Suppose that an investor buys 100 shares of a company for $10 each and sells them a year later for $15 per share. In addition to the capital gain, he receives a dividend of $1 per share during the year. He also incurs a transaction cost of $0.50 per share when buying and selling the stock.

  1. To calculate the ROI, we first need to determine the total revenue generated:



  1. Next, we need to determine the cost of the investment, which includes the purchase price and transaction costs:



  1. Now that we can calculate the net profit or loss:



  1. Let’s calculate now the ROI:


In this example, the ROI is positive, indicating that the investment resulted in a gain.

Calculating this index can help investors and businesses to evaluate the performance of their investments and make informed decisions.

How to determine a good ROI

When analyzing ROI, it's important to understand what factors to consider determining if your ROI is good or not. Here are some key factors to keep in mind:

The timeframe over which you calculate it can significantly impact the results. Short-term value may be high, but it may not be sustainable over the long term. On the other hand, long-term figures may be lower, but it may be more stable and reliable.
Different industries have different standards for what is considered a good return on investment. It's important to benchmark your metric against industry standards.
When evaluating ROI, it's important to consider the opportunity cost of the investment. Would your money be better invested elsewhere, or is this investment the best use of your funds?
Every investment carries some degree of risk. It's important to consider the ones associated with an investment and factor them into your calculation.
Your investment goals can also impact what you consider to be a good ROI. If your target is to generate steady income, a lower value may be acceptable. However, if your aim is to achieve rapid growth, a higher return may be necessary.

The limitations

It's important also to understand the limitations of ROI as a metric. It only takes into account the financial returns of an investment, and it does not consider other factors such as social or environmental impact. Additionally, it does not account for the time value of money or inflation, which can impact the true value of an asset over time.

Industries with the highest ROI

ROI can vary significantly across different industries, with some of them having higher values than others. Understanding which ones tend to have higher returns can be helpful in making investment decisions. Here is an overview of some industries that have a reputation for high return on investment:

Technology companies have been known to have some of the highest ROI due to their innovative products and high profit margins.

The healthcare industry is another sector that can offer high returns. Companies in this sector can benefit from the growing demand for this kind of products and services, as well as the development of new medical technologies.

Real estate is a popular investment choice for many people due to its potential. This industry can offer significant returns through rental income and property appreciation.

The energy industry has the potential to offer high ROI through the production and distribution of energy sources. Renewable energy companies, in particular, have been growing in popularity due to the increasing demand for clean energy sources.

Consumer goods companies that produce everyday household items like food, cleaning products, and personal care products can also offer high returns. They tend to have stable revenues and profits, making them a popular choice for long-term investors.

It is important to note that while some industries have a reputation for high ROI, this does not guarantee that all companies within that industry will deliver high returns. It is important to conduct thorough research and analysis before making any decisions.

Pros & cons of ROI

Here’s a quick overview of its main advantages and disadvantages:

Advantages Disadvantages
Provides a clear picture of investment performance and profitability Can be difficult to accurately calculate ROI, especially for complex investments
Helps investors make informed decisions based on quantitative data Doesn't take into account the time value of money or inflation
Enables comparisons between different investment opportunities Ignores qualitative factors such as brand reputation and customer satisfaction
Allows for easy tracking of investment returns over time Can be misleading if used as the sole metric for investment decision-making

Important! While this index is a valuable metric for evaluating investment opportunities, it should be used in conjunction with other indicators and factors to make informed investment decisions.


ROI (Return on Investment) and ROE (Return on Equity) are two important metrics used to analyze investments. While they are similar in nature, they represent different aspects of the investment.

Metric Definition Main Characteristics
ROI Measures the profitability of an investment by comparing the net profit to the initial investment.
  • Considers the profitability of the entire investment.

  • Helps in decision-making by comparing the performance of different investments.
  • ROE Measures the profitability of an investment in relation to the equity invested in the company.
  • Measures the profitability of the investment in terms of shareholder equity.

  • Indicates the amount of profit generated per unit of equity invested.
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    Both metrics are important and can be used together to get a more complete picture. ROI is useful in determining the overall profitability of the investment, while ROE is useful in determining how effectively the company is utilizing its equity to generate profits. It's important to note that both have limitations and should not be relied upon solely when making decisions. Other factors such as market conditions, industry trends, and company management should also be taken into account.


    IInvesting can be a rewarding journey, but it's important to remember that ROI is just one metric among many that investors should consider when making decisions. By taking a holistic approach and considering factors such as risk tolerance, diversification, and long-term goals, investors can build a well-rounded portfolio that can weather market volatility and help achieve their financial objectives.

    Not investment advice. Past performance does not guarantee or predict future performance.

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